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Why Am I Writing This Blog?

cool pic of me and my sassy face

Hello. And welcome. This is the blog post I've been avoiding writing for minimum one year but I think it's been more like two years. Sadly, my memory is failing me so I can't give you the exact amount of time.

I'm currently on a laptop which I never do because obviously I'm always on my phone and I gotta tell you, typing with my nails grown out is actually a huge challenge. It took me 23 years to get to the pinnacle of adult maturity (not biting my nails) and now I come to learn that it actually has a huge drawback. Oh well. Worth it.

Anyway, the point of this blog post is to introduce you to me and me specifically as a blogging woman. I decided to write this blog because I have a lot of thoughts I'd like to share on various topics.

Anyone who knows me knows I love to rant, give my opinion on things and tell stories. Therefore, a blog seemed like the perfect avenue for me. I know I just used "therefore" and "avenue" in one sentence and I'm not entirely positive that I even used avenue correctly but I read a lot of random books and they tend to use language not as prevalent in today's culture so sometimes I notice random words that seem a little odd tend to come out of my mouth. Just roll with it.

Also, according to my sisters, I frequently use quotes or sayings that are very old and also make me seem a bit elderly. If you're confused at any time just use Google. I should also warn you really quick that I tend to write the longest sentences you've ever seen. I'm trying to work on that. I'll get there. Maybe.

So my life has been very strange. Growing up in a giant family, being homeschooled, going to college at 16, signing a record deal and then moving to LA, leaving LA, a record deal and a crazy life and moving across the country to Tennessee.....none of my life has ever been very normal or average. And to top it off, I've lived the last 8 or so years of my life with a lot of it on the internet and a lot of people watching and consuming it.

However, despite the large amounts of content available online that I'm a part of, I have managed to keep SO MUCH of my personal life private. While there are certain parts that I will keep private forever, I realized lately that I actually haven't shared very many personal details about myself and my life at all. That is a big reason why I decided to start this blog.

I want to let you guys in on the parts of me me and my life that you haven't seen over the past 8 years of knowing me on the internet. Honestly, writing this kinda scares me. The idea of opening up in this way is pretty intimidating to me but I'm actually having fun writing this and creating this site so I'm ready to give it a shot. I have a lot planned for this and soooo many different topics to get into.

Thanks for joining me on this new journey and especially thank you to those who have been encouraging me to start a blog for the last couple years. Sorry for taking so long but, here it is.

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